Linux Commands For DevOps

Linux Basic commands

date                            Show the current date and time

cal                               Show this month's calendar

uptime                        Show current uptime

whoami                      Who you are logged in as

finger                          Display information about user

users / id                     Shows user information

man                             Shows manual of command

username                   Shows your user name

who / w                      Display who is online

View files

ls                                 Directory listing

cat filename               View file content

less                              View a file page by page

more                           Output the contents of file

head                            Output the first 10 lines of file

tail                               Output the last 10 lines of file

page                            Display file page by page

Create & Delete file/directory

touch                          Create a 0 bites file

cat > filename          Create file and allow to write

nano                            Create a file if filename doesn’t exist

vi                                 Create a file if filename doesn’t exist

rm                               Remove a file

mkdir                          Create a directory

rmdir                           Remove a empty directory

rm -rf                          Remove a directory

Managing files or directories

cp                               Copy a file

mv                               Move a file

find                             Find a file

grep                            Search for a pattern in a file

cd                                Switch between directories

diff                              Find content difference in 2 files

sed                              Search and replace particular pattern

chmod                        Change file permissions

chown                         Change Ownership of a file

file Show what kind of file it is

System Management

history                         List all commands executed by a user

free                             Free memory of a server

/proc/meminfo          Displays memory information

/proc/cpuinfo             Displays CPU information

uname -a                    Show kernel information

du                                Show directory space usage

whereis                       Show possible locations of app

which                          Show which app will be run by default


hostname                   Lists host name of the server

ping <ip>                     Availability of destination server over the network

wget                            Download packages/softwars onto Linux system

ifconfig                        Lists IP address(es) of the server

telnet                          Connect to remote host / check port availability status

curl                               Acces the application as from browser

Process Management

ps -ef                           List the process which are running in the system

kill / kill -9                   Kill a process or service

fg                                 Run the program in the foreground

bg                                Run the service in the back group

top                              List top 20 process which are consuming more CPU

Archiving files or directories

gzip                             Create a compressed file

gunzip                         Unzip a file

tar                               Extract tar file